It's been four months since I started to work on this site to bring more awareness and help people succeed on investing in the stocks market. The site has generated quite a number of followings and I couldn't be more proud! In celebration of all the support and love people have shown, I officially unveil our new logo. It's a pretty neat upgrade from the text-only header we previously had, plus it looks stylish and totally blend on the layout.
Allow me to share some more background on its details and what it all means:
The green font color symbolizes stocks market increases. It's no question I wanted it dominantly seen as I envision to have a good return on my investments. The red font color is for stocks market declines. Although nobody wants to incur losses, we all need to be reminded to act with caution and think our decisions through. The rectangular box on the letter "G" encourage us to think outside the box and to stop being so narrow minded. The glowing yellow borderline are like our thinking light bulb that help us make wise investment decisions. The extended arrow leading to the stocks chart serve as our road map to attaining financial success. And finally, the tagline "A daily Guide to financial wealth through stocks" highlight our commitment to bring the latest stocks news, market updates, trading alerts and financial insights to everyone.
I hope you liked our logo and be sure to visit us everyday! Happy investing!